CCSE Exams

The exam to obtain Spanish citizenship (CCSE, Spanish initials for ‘conocimientos constitucionales y socioculturales de España’), formulated by the Cervantes Institute, assesses candidates’ knowledge of the Spanish Constitution and social and cultural realities.  It is divided into two major sections in keeping with the legal provisions on obtaining Spanish citizenship under certain circumstances. The two sections covered are:

  • Government, legislation and citizen participation in Spain.
  • Spanish culture, history and society.

The CCSE test consists in five exercises with a total of 25 questions, as described below.

Excercise 1
Excercise format Ten multiple-choice questions with three options and single rightanswer
N.º of questions 10
Focus Government, State powers and institutions, fundamental laws and mechanisms for citizen participation; Spanish citizenship: duties and rights.
Excercise 2
Excercise format Three true/false questions consisting in brief statements which candidates mark as true or false.
N.ºof questions 3
Focus Government, State powers and institutions, fundamental laws and mechanisms for citizen participation; application for and duties and rights inherent in citizenship.
Test materials Type of texts: statements alluding to citizens’ rights and duties adapted to the Spanish Constitution.
Length: 30 word maximum
Excercise 3
Excercise format Two multiple-choice questions with three options and a single right answer
N.ºof questions 2
Focus Spain’s territorial divisions and physical and political geography
Test materials Type of texts: Statements on Spain’s territorial divisions and physical and political geography with the support of a geopolitical map
Length: 20 word maximum
Excercise 4
Excercise format Three multiple-choice questions with three options and a single right answer
N.ºof questions 3
Focus Type of texts: Statements on Spanish traditions, art, culture and significant historic events
Length: 30 word maximum
Excercise 5
Excercise format Seven multiple-choice questions with three options and a single right answer
N.ºof questions 7
Focus Features of daily life and social behaviour; administrative procedures in Spain
Test materials Type of texts: statements on features of Spanish society, daily life in Spain and administrative procedures
Length: 40 word maximum

For further information on the CCSE test, see the documents in the preparing for the CCSE test section.